Saturday, December 11, 2010

Haly is 22 Months and Celebrating Hanukkah!

Grammy and Grampy came over to celebrate Hanukkah with us!

I am definately catching on to the presents aspect... I could get use to this!

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Thanksgiving at Grammy and Grampy's House!

I had a fun time with Grammy, Grampy, Uncle Brett, Aunt Anna, Elaine, Allen, Mara, Alana and Mike!

Dancing Mickey was a bit scary at first, but he showed some pretty good dance moves, so I had to join in... It took Aunt Anna a little while to get him out of the box though...

Haly is 21 Months!

Grammy and Grampy came to visit and brought Mickey too!

Aunt Anna and Uncle Brett came to visit me- See Aunt Anna sing Elmo! I love my new bunny towel and bunny booboo- thanks Robin and Joel!

I love making forts in my bedroom with Daddy and Mommy... I enjoy taking them down more!