Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Summer 2014... time flies when you're having fun!

WE started the summer off with Grammy & Grampy in NH for a trip to Storyland & Lake Winnipesaukee

 Ryne and I went Bowling for the first time... oh yea, I visited with Cindarella...

 Then back in MA where Uncle Brett, Aunt Anna and Abe came to visit- we brought them to a good old local fair :-)
 Abe's first ride!

 Ryne LOVES riding my old bike- he does such a good job at it!

 A little bit of mini-golf...
 I started up Karate this summer... also made the dance team at my studio, so I danced all summer too... it was a busy June & July!

 Will and Ryne had a visit (Patty & Mommy went to Grad School & worked together) - they had a great time together... its good to see Ryne with some friends, instead of hanging with me all the TIME!


 WE also visited Maine and went to camp- it was Ryne's first time... we did some swimming, Pepere taught me how to fish (vegan friendly) and we went golfing!

Monday, June 9, 2014

It has been a while- here's what we've been up to this Spring..

So much has happened since March... Ryne turned 2!  With this he started riding a bike, counting on his own to 12 and with help to 20, says most of his ABC's, knows his colors AND out of diapers!!!  Yes, he has been in "big-boy" undies for a couple of months!
I had a great end of the Pre-School year- I will miss my teachers and friends, but Ryne will be starting there in the Fall- so I can visit!

I had a great time a parks with Ryne and friends... lots of visits from Grammy and Grampy...

For Mother's Day, Daddy took us out to a Vegan/Veg restaurant, which was Awesome!

I still like to dress Ryne up in my Costumes  :-)

I finished my first year at Religious School- I had a lot of fun and learn a lot!

My Dance Recital went well- I had loved getting dressed up and had a blast on stage!

I loved having my cousins, Memere, Pepere, Grammy and Grampy there to cheer me on- made me dance even better!

Here is a great pic of Ryne in his undies!!  We spend a lot of time outside playing...

But we also went Bowling for the first time too!

My T-Ball season is through the Town this year and I loved it!

It has been a great last couple of months... I registered for Kindergarten and Mommy and Daddy say I am growing up too fast...

Beach Time... Some Ball Time

Some Grammy & Grampy Time

 AND Some Awesome Gymnastics Show Time!