Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Ryne Is 4 Months Old Now!

Sorry it has been so long since the last post... we are almost fully moved into our new house and Daddy and Mommy have been VERY busy getting everything done!  We had time to visit Maine- which was so much fun!  Then Grammy and Grampy helped us get the new house ready the next weekend... then the weekend after that Memere and Pepere came to visit and help us move all the large items into the new house.

 Mommy and Daddy painted the kitchen, dining room, living room, family room, guest room and hallway... lots of painting!

 But we have still had time to have fun- Ryne is growing up so fast and I am teaching him new things every day!

 Here is the kitchen and living room in progress... I like the new stripes in the kitchen!

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Ryne is 3 Months Already!

It has been a big week!  Ryne turned over for the first time from tummy to back and he went on the potty for the first time too!  

Ryne likes to put his hands and toys into his mouth now... he has not quite caught onto his thumbs yet, though I show him how often!