Thursday, August 22, 2013

Ryne is driving... many types of vehicles

Ryne likes riding his toy tractor... and my bike (I am good at sharing)... 

I am "gassing" up Ryne's new ride... then Daddy is teaching him how to drive the van!

I have my safety bike helmet on just in case!

Saturday, August 3, 2013

A Special day... Haly and Ryne at the Mikveh and Temple

Yesterday was a wonderful and beautiful day!  Ryne and I went into the Mikveh... sometimes spelled Mikvah... Mommy says that it is a bath for spiritual purification... a way Ryne and I can see G-d in with a fresh spirit and new eyes.  

 We had to go all the way under the water- I did a great job, but Ryne did cry some... Daddy went into the water with us and said all of the prayers in Hebrew after we immersed!

 Grammy and Grampy were at the Mikveh with us, but Uncle Brett, Aunt Anna and cousin Abe came to help celebrate with us too!

 Later that night we went to Temple... Rabbi Alpert asked Grammy to light the Shabbat candles, which was really nice.  Then the Rabbi said some prayers to Ryne and I... Mommy and Daddy explained our Hebrew names to us and who we were named after.  I am Haly Amber in English and my Hebrew name is Hallelah Ahavah- named after our Great-Grandfathers: Herman and Abraham.  My Hebrew name means Praise and Love!  Ryne Elijah is my brother's English name and his Hebrew name is Eliyhu Raziel- named after our Great-Grandmothers: Ester and Regina.  His Hebrew name means The Lord is my G-d and G-d's Secrets.

 Uncle Brett was able to make it to the Temple for Shabbat Service and our "Naming".  Grammy and Grampy gave us each a Yamaka- they were Daddy's when he was little- made from Great-Grammy, Regina!