Thursday, September 26, 2013

Fall is Here and Ryne is 18 months old!

My pre-school started up- here is my first day pictures... Ryne wanted to be in them too!

 The holiday of Sukkot was so much fun!  Mommy and I built a Sukkah- which is a small "hut" that I decorated with pictures... it was so much fun.  We ate outside in it as many meals as we could- then Grammy and Grampy came over and brought lulav and etrog, which I got to shake!

I started Sunday School- here is a picture of my class!  I had sooooo much fun!
 Daddy's Fall baseball season is in full swing too!  Ryne is still so small he fits in the ball holder!

 Fall brought some chilly weather, but we still played outside... just with more clothes... it is amazing that just a few days before we were in the pool!
 Look at us flying with Daddy!  It was a great end of summer and start of fall!

Monday, September 9, 2013

So Sweet...

Ryne is giving his "I am so cute" look here!  Mommy and I picked the Concord Grapes in the backyard... we then skinned them and made grape jam! SO MUCH FUN!

 Grammy and Grampy came over for Rosh Hashanah!  Mommy and I made some placemats for the holiday that say L'Shanah Tovah- which is wishing everyone a good new year!

 During Rosh Hashanah we eat apples and sweet syrup (most people have honey, but us vegans have maple syrup)!

 We went to Temple- it was really nice to have Grammy and Grampy there!   We prayed for a sweet new year... being kind to others... giving to those in need... We also listened to the shofar, which was really cool to hear!  We then went to a Tashlikh service at our local playground, which has a body of living water.  We threw some seeds into the water and thought about the things we do not want to do during this new year... I said I was sorry about not sharing with my brother and making some other bad decisions...

 Here Ryne is driving the car again!  After Grammy and Grampy went home Memere and Pepere came to visit us!  They brought a new playground set for us!

 Charlee came too- we had a lot of fun together!  Pepere helped us play some hockey!

 It has been a sweet new year already with all of our wonderful visitors!