Thursday, February 11, 2016

It has been a while... End of 2015 and Beginning of 2016

Playing ball & dancing the Spring away in 2015...

Lots of superhero action starts in the Spring... 

Ryne started Gymnastics, Haly is loving Karate, dance & Softball...

 First Science Experiment together...

 Ryne loves motorcycles...

 Weather is beautiful late spring and summer... lots of time out in the pool and backyard...

 Boston Science Museum....

 Pool at the Y... 

 Daddy's Baseball camp...

 Fun in Maine...

 and NY!


 First Day at a New School!  1st Grade!!!

 First day of Pre-School!!

 Still loving Superheros in the Fall!

 Apple picking in Maine... love the fall in Maine!

 Haly Started Field-Hockey for the first time- loves it!! YAY!

 Cousin Alana got married- Congrats to Alana & Pino

 Babies?? YES- New Cousins, Noah & Ethan arrived this Fall!! 

 In the Nutcracker again- still loving to be on stage!

 Visiting Grammy & Grampy in Florida!

 Happy New Year- 2016!

 Winter time is now here!! Loving the snow (though Mommy & Daddy are not)

 Turned 7 years old!!! 

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