Thursday, November 29, 2012

Ryne is 8 months and loves visitors!

It was a crazy month... Mom says blame the weather on global warming!  One day I am making snowballs and the next I am at the park... Fall is a really strange season... but a season full of visitors and visits!

Sammy came down early November- it was so good to see her!!

Then Grammy and Grampy came to visit- Ryne showed off his furniture walking skills!

Cousin Abe came with Auntie Anna and Uncle Brett- we had so much fun trying to get this picture of the three of us done- Ryne had finally given up trying to attack Abe!

Grammy and Grampy with all their grandchildren- aren't we so cute?

I had a fun time pushing Ryne in the swing... well it was fun until a 2 year old decided to walk in front of the swing and Ryne took him out!

Then Pepere and Memere came to visit us- yes even during Hunting Season, they took the time to come down to see us... we must be very special!

Then we went down to NY- Grammy and Grampy's house, for Thanksgiving! 

It was so nice to be with the family for the Holiday- here is Cousin Abe, Uncle Brett and Aunt Anna...

Uncle Kevin and Uncle Brett... looking handsome, like always!

I am missing in this family picture... I was still taking a nap!  

But Ryne got a lot of attention!

Aunt Alana and Uncle Kevin are giving some love to Ryne... same with cousin Mara!

Finally I woke up and played with my cousin Abe... though he is 5 months younger than Ryne, they are almost the same size!!

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