Sunday, December 23, 2012

December brings Chanukah 2012...

It has been a busy month... lots of new things- Ryne learned how to clap and wave, but Mommy could not get a picture of either- so instead here is Ryne trying to steal my purse (he now gets into my stuff all the time) and yelling when he is told he cannot have something he wants!

I tried to teach Ryne everything I know about Chanukah!  Grammy and Grampy came over and brought a new Menorah.

Ryne really liked the walking dreidel and the Menorah... he puts everything in his mouth now!

Then cousin Abe came with Auntie Anna and Uncle Brett!  I had a lot of fun showing Abe how to open presents (I have much experience in this category).

Cousin Abe is almost the same size as Ryne!  So I guess Ryne is on the small side and Abe is on the big side of the scale (being 5 months apart)... though Ryne wears his Jeter shirt with pride!

Thanks for visiting the blog... keep checking, hopefully Mommy will post after Christmas in Maine and or after our visit to Orlando Fl- yes our first road trip to Florida with Ryne!

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